Forgive me Lord...

On the last Sunday, i was in a bad mood! I was overwhelmed by my anger and I did something without thinking. Shame and regret was all around me and I call upon the Lord for help. God talked to me through my dad's email! This is the verse and msg:

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold,
I will do a new thing. (Isaiah 43:18-19)"

Do you know that God has more for you, no matter how discouraged you are seeing things around you right now? The enemy has been stealing what belongs to you all these while and have demoralized you from moving on into a new dimension of God's purposes and plan for your life. Never forget that it's God's desire to bless you all the time in this life -with joy and peace and prosperity and health.

Sadly, many of us are cheated into a mind -set of thinking with a very low self-esteem unfortunately. You mean to say the God of heaven and earth sacrificed his only son to die for you in vain? He took not only your sins! he took your sorrows! He took your pain! He took your sickness! He took your poverty! He took your curse! upon Himself and exchanged blessings and richness to your body soul and spirit.

Who is this God !!!who says, "despite all what you are, I still love you with an everlasting love, no matter what!?? You know what? Your best days are yet to be seen! Yes tat right! There is more ahead for u then behind u. But the question is, are you trusting God and hoping that God has destined a future ! a hope! that perhaps is not seen at the moment, yet you expect to see in His time. Paul says , in Rom 8:24-45.

We hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.You know whats the problem? We have been so deceived with the lie of the devil. Some of us refuse to move on because something has happened in the past that us thrown us into a negative pattern of mind set which has virtually paralyzed us. We cling to things of the past fearing to try again, fearing that we will never be able to make it again! The devil is a liar! Its absolutely never God's desire for you to live like that, never! never!

Watch out! the enemy is all out to manipulate your mind and make you think and blame your past to for your present and if you fall prey to him he will ruin your future. Listen! you cant go back and make things different. The simple reason is that you are not the person now, you were then!

Hey! Life is so precious! Unfortunately we have taken so much for granted and left valuable time to speed pass us and sadly we wake up one morning only to discover, we have lost so much! Yes we have missed so much! so much of God given precious time! by merely dwelling in our past disappointments and failures.

Listen! Are you lonely ! Are you sad! because you feel everything is lost. God wants you to know that the important thing about life is that, it is always possible to try again! to stat again! to love again! this time not believing in yourself but believing in God and His promises. Today is a new day to look forward to a new start, into a new dimension. Where do you want to go? Look higher ! Dream higher! Soar higher! You will only receive what you believe. If you think defeat you will be defeated forever! You think small you will be small forever!

It's time to throw away all the garbage that binds you to the past and aspire to move on and make the best of what is left over. Every moment is so precious! because we never will know how much time is left over! Face the challenge a new life! a new day! a new beginning! That's where God wants you man!!

You know what? I lost many things many times in my life. But in that "loss" God was working out His character in my life and He taught me how to value and appreciate His blessings upon my life. You bet your life, you are capable of restating and loving many times more because we are the manifestation of God's love!

Become passionate with God, he holds the keys to your future. God will do a new thing in your life if you allow Him. Never give up!