Isn't it amazing how ur best fren can cheer u up like no one else? Who's there when u don't make the squad? Who stands by u when an embarrassing moment tempts u throw into stress? It's tat person, ur BFF!

Tat fren is the one who laughs when u laugh, cries when u cry, encourage u when u r emo, and has ur back no matter what. Who else can u gab with the hours after school, provide transport and stay up giggling all night? Thanks pal, u are a blessing to me! Thank God for the gift of a true fren. Never take ur fren for granted cos tat buddy is a treasure from Him! (James 1:17)


shell said...

awwwwwwwwww,finally u said something nice bout me. tsk tsk~~

Barnabas said...

Well i always do! :)