The Power of Faith

Matthew 21:21-22

You may be thinking, So let me get this straight. If I believe, I'll get anything I ask for in prayer?! Wow, that's quite a deal.

It is quite a deal, but it's not quite the deal many people think... It's actually better.

Some people think that anything includes any old desire, whether it's for more money or a quick fix to a problem or a life free of trouble. That kind of view leads straight to disappointment with God because God isn't about being a heavenly Santa Claus who fills our list of requests, and that's actually a really awesome thing.

God knows and wants what's best for us. He wants us to experience the joy of salvation and a close relationship with him. Sometimes that means not giving us what we think we want because he has something better in store that will bring us closer to him. He wants us to take part in his work. When we ask him for anything that will bring him glory and spread his love, he will definitely provide those things. The key is being totally dedicated to him; when we are, our requests will have his interests at heart. Never give up!

God Bless!


guchi guchi said...

good sharing barney

Tonyong said...

yes, good sharing barnabas. well, i enjoy reading your blog, haha. and nice hair cut!

Barnabas said...

Thank u! hehe!